
Banbán (scholar)

  • d. 686
  • scholars
  • (agents)
The following references to Banbán may refer to the same individual: (1) one mentioned in the annals as sapiens (AU s.a. 686), fer léigind at Kildare (AT; cf. Fragmentary annals), (2) Banbán mentioned in association with the promulgation of Cáin Fhuithirbe and (3) Banbannus mentioned as an authority in the so-called Reichenau commentary on the Catholic Epistles. A further case has been made for the saint of the same name commemorated in the Félire Óengusso and elsewhere.


The following does not refer to the present page, but to the data record for the currently selected query subject. It is not yet accessible on its own.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
September 2018